EPE Nuclear Reactor Prototypes

Image Source: The Suffolk Times

 “Electrical science has revealed to us the true nature of light…” – Nikola Tesla

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported in 2018, 450 nuclear power reactors in operation in 30 countries. Nuclear power plants account for about one fifth of the electricity produced in the United States.

Fusion vs fission distinction is their derivative, radioactive waste. Goal for some is in designing a reactor whose end product produces half-life vs long-lived waste.

Superiority of EPEs nuclear power plants and reactor prototypes highlights the inferiority of others where the basic challenge lies in Input-Output viability.

EPE points to targeted solutions.  New ways or “nu clear” possibilities are endless. EPEs aim is to operationalize viable and conducive reactors where the energy output supersedes the input.

Taking a targeted competitive approach, EPE utilizes both fusion and fission in selected locations on Earth and in Space, surpassing projected goal of 2-4 gigawatts at incessant speed utilizing an “ideal solution.”  Plasma profusion across the universe can be harnessed.

Control and command is centralized and remotely operated with programed targeted enhancements.  Each nuclear power plant and reactor is built utilizing a “solid solution” to withstand equipment failure.

EPEs designs counter Newtonian formulations of the Third Law of Motion of action-reaction

A →R principle.  Revaluation is made of object and force.

Applied in principle the mechanisms of Samuel Morse and the discoveries of Michael Faraday. Utilizing *Matlock’s formulations from blueprints for the Młock1© aircraft and the ViathanTrkr©, EPE designed ❽ paired prototypes:

→         FU-1↔FU-2, FU-3↔FU-4, FI-5↔FI-6, FI-7↔FI-8

Each pair is situated at a distance from each other. Remote compatibility allows interoperability.  

FU-1↔FU-2, FU-3↔FU-4 are equipped with FUSION Reactors. Energy harnessed to be channeled through specific land and water power stations.

FI-5↔FI-6, FI-7↔FI-8 are equipped with FISSION Reactors. Energy harnessed to be channeled through specified repurposed satellites, spacecraft, and space stations.

FU-1↔FU2 site is Earth on Land. Fusion Prototype meets three specific criteria: Environment, temperature, and fuel. Viable location TBD. Environmental, geopolitical factors and national security interests are being examined.

**FU-3↔FU4 site is Earth Undersea. Fusion Prototype meets three specific criteria: Environment, temperature, and fuel. Undersea levels are being examined. Addressing “chief problem” reapplication of Morse’ operation and Faraday’s observation of “weight and strength of the cable, and the difficulty of laying it.” Viable location TBD. Environmental, geopolitical factors and national security interests are being examined.

***FI-5↔FI-6) site is a Space Station. Fission Prototype meets necessary criteria. Space Station is ideally suited to harness the power of a nuclear reactor’s laser beam to obliterate observed objects traveling in the trajectory of satellites, spacecraft or Earth. EPE is monitoring the International Space Station (ISS) for consideration.

FI-7↔FI-8 site is on a Planet “X.” Fission Prototype meets necessary criteria. National security interests are being examined. Viable location TBD. EPE is also tracking NASA probe missions to Mars monitoring the planet for future site consideration.

Waste program applications determine use of what Joel. J. Hildebrand termed “regular solution.” Method for its management includes: extracting, reduction, and removal. Extraction and Removal clearly require precautionary measures in its handling and location of disposal.

Reduction? Here’s the brilliance or “radiant matter.” Harnessing plasma and the use of nanotechnology in the quantum spectrum can facilitate entry to Nano and atomic scales.

Superiority of EPEs nuclear power plants and reactor prototypes highlights the inferiority of others where the basic challenge lies in Input-Output viability.

Overall successes of EPE are accentuated by the magnified failures and masked lies of others. “Squaring the Circle” of balancing a “safe, cost-effective, non-polluting, scalable, carbon-free energy solution… sustaining the planet for centuries…” continues to elude man.

Fossil fuel perpetual accumulation construes immaterial the 100-500 year half-lives or long-lived waste of fusion and fission nuclear reactors.

If not destroyed at the hand of man or an asteroid within 100 years, Planet Earth’s unsustainable toxic accumulation and the consequences of global catastrophes will eventually render Earths’ environment uninhabitable.


*The ViathanTrkr© will track, mobilize and veil the targeted object or resource, securing it for subsequent retrieval. Młock1©, a hypersonic aircraft is equipped with a diode and a quantum cascade laser set up to recover target, mount it and lock it onto the aircraft. As a countermeasure to competing forces, Młock1© is equipped with a laser illuminating multi-dimensional images to misdirect probes and satellites.

**Data cable designs are being examined. Technological breakthroughs provide for advanced undersea feats since challenging days two centuries ago.

Samuel Morse’s Telegraphs System put forth the “laying and operation of a submarine telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean, electrically connecting the Old World with the New and opening the present era of global communication.”

Sir Michael Faraday “generated electricity by rotating a copper disk in the field of some horseshoe magnets, a demonstration of electromagnetic induction…”

How can Morse’s current be sent across the ocean? The “chief problem, Faraday believed-correctly-would be the weight and strength of the cable, and the difficulty of laying it.”

***Utilizing *Matlock’s formulations in blueprints for the Młock1© aircraft and the ViathanTrkr©

EPE Image Source: Center For Individual Freedom

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